Friday 31 January 2014

Treatment for Low Sperm Count - ICSI (Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection)

If there is a question of the sperm's ability to fertilize the egg, due to either a low sperm count or poor quality of the sperm, that poses no problem whatsoever. Intra-CytoplasmicSperm Injection (ICSI) would be performed instead of regular In Vitro Fertilization (IVF). With ICSI, the eggs are retrieved the same as if you were doing conventional IVF. However, the eggs and the sperm are then fertilized in the laboratory, by direct injection of a single sperm into each egg. Three days later the resulting embryos are simply placed into your uterus with no surgery, just as with IVF. Extra embryos are frozen for later attempts at pregnancy.
The availability of this Intra-Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection, "ICSI" technique (which was developed and perfected by the Brussels University and our institution in St. Louis) means that men whose sperm previously were too weak or too few to fertilize in vitro (IVF), now have no problem fertilizing their wife's eggs. The fertilization rate per egg using ICSI is about 70% despite the sperm being terrible, the fertilization rate per infertile couple is over 99% if the wife has adequate eggs, and the pregnancy rate per treatment cycle is over 50%. This is not significantly different from regular IVF with normal sperm. This technique is very cost-effective, and will give you the same high chance for getting pregnant as any couple with normal sperm.
Non-moving "dead" appearing sperm and inject it into a woman's egg, getting a normal embryo and a completely normal baby. So far, over 10,000 babies have been born with this new technique from men who were otherwise considered hopelessly sterile. The babies are physically, mentally, and genetically completely normal, no matter how poor or miserable the sperm of the father.
We can take a man who would otherwise have to resort to donor sperm, and if we can find just a few weak sperm in his otherwise sterile appearing ejaculate, it is more than enough to microsurgically inject these few sperm into his wife's eggs, fertilize them normally, and get her pregnant.
If there is absolutely no sperm in the ejaculate, we can perform a testicle biopsy, remove the few non-moving sperm that we find through a highly refined ultra micropipette, inject it into the wife's egg and still get her pregnant. Even in testicles where allegedly there is no sperm production, we can usually (but not always) find a few sperm, which is enough for successful ICSI.
About 70 percent of eggs get fertilized. Fertilization is confirmed 18-24 hours after retrieval. ICSI is a highly successful technique used to help couples who have previously failed to achieve conception with standard IVF.
Why is ICSI Done?
  • Very Low Sperm Count
  • Abnormally Shaped Sperm
  • Poor Sperm Movement
If a man does not have any sperm in his ejaculate, but he is producing sperm, they may be retrieved through testicular sperm extraction, or TESE. Sperm retrieved through TESE require the use of ICSI. ICSI is also used in cases of retrograde ejaculation, if the sperm are retrieved from the man’s urine

IVF India has complete range of services to handle any kind of infertility with the best of professionals to back the best in class technology at work.
  • In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)
  • Intra Uterine Insemination (IUI)
  • Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)
  • Blastocyst Culture
  • Sperm Aspiration) PESA (Percutaneous Epididymal Sperm Aspiration)
  • Advanced Treatment Options like TESE (Testicular Sperm Extraction) MESA (Microsurgical Epididymal )
  • Cryopreservation
  • Laser Assisted Hatching
  • Embryo Transfer
  • Ovulation Induction
  • Egg Donation/Egg Sharing
  • Zona free Embryo Transfer
  • Semen Bank
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